Thursday, June 23, 2005


I'm one of those people who seems to have accumulated a lot of nicknames over the years (everything from Cob to WakPak, if I'm not mistaken - don't ask!).
It seems Ari is destined for the same fate.
He's not even 5 months old and has already been given a raft of nicknames.
His in-utero name was The Gipper, named after the late US President Ronald Reagan, who died around the same time Ari was conceived. Hardly followers of conservative American politics, Rob and I still have no idea why the name stuck. It was even shortened to Gippy at a later stage.
My sister Lauren came up with her own in-utero nickname - Frysie, named after Ryan Fitzgerald from last year's Big Brother house. I even sought out Frysie at last year's Melbourne Cup and asked him to pose for a photo with my pregnant self. He happily agreed, though was understandably bemused when I told him the story.
Once Ari was out in the world, these names were dropped and new ones quickly emerged (most courtesy of Aunty Lauren).
The tally currently includes Little Prince of Collingwood, LP, Gonk Features, Gonk, Features, Princey, Puss, Puddin', Puss Face, Little Neddy, Stench Blossom and Youngling.


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