Friday, March 17, 2006

The joy of book learnin'

I am re-reading one of my favourite books from childhood. No, it's one of my favourite books EVER*. It's called Danny, The Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.
Roald Dahl books were a cornerstone of my childhood. In primary school, various teachers read aloud in class and I can still remember the wonder of having Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Danny, The Champion of the World read aloud to me.
I bought it partly because I wanted to relive that magic, partly because Rob has had a sudden hankering to read lots of Roald Dahl, particularly books like The BFG and The Witches, which passed him by during childhood. And of course, I want my boy to read and love Danny. If for no other reason, every father should read it because it perfectly captures pure, unabashed father-son love.
There are so many books that I can't wait to read to Ari. I can picture him tucked up in bed in his jarmies, with Rob or I perched on his bed, reading him a chapter from a book every night. It's going to be fun.

*Favourite books ever list also includes The Bell Jar, On The Road, High Fidelity, A Walk in the Woods, Cloudstreet and Fantastic Mr Fox.


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

I'm thinking you might have to wait until Ari is, oh, five before you start reading him The Bell Jar.

But I do know what you mean about book sharing. I have long since been a collector of children's books, and David has Harry the Dirty Dog in our collection for when Julian is old enough to appreciate its subtleties!

11:09 pm  

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