Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Why I hate celebrity mummies

An opinion piece in the Herald Sun on the curse of the celebrity yummy mummy has got me thinking.
I personally think the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna have got a lot to answer for.
They paint a picture of motherhood as some sort of blissful coffee break from the rigours of making movies, attending red carpet openings and generally looking fabulous.
Any wonder first time mums (like me) have the reality of motherhood hit them like a freight train and wonder - why didn't anyone tell me?
I don't want to bleat on too much about this, but it's hard for a lot of women of my generation to take on motherhood.
I'm part of a generation who was told at every step of my life I could achieve the same as the boys. Motherhood was not promoted as something to inspire to - we were told to make sure we had a successful career and financial independence.
And then you become a mother and realise that the job itself (apart from a few modern luxuries for which we are eternally grateful) hasn't changed all that much since our mothers' generation.
Babies are still waking in the night, the days are a blur of feeding and changing, bottles and formula, sterilising and washing.
Oh yes, we DO have the piles and piles of baby books telling us what our babies SHOULD be doing, just to make us that more anxious.
We have gone from career women to stay at home mums in a giant thud.


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