Monday, July 17, 2006

Train! Train!

Ari is utterly obsessed with trains.
Every time we see a train, a railway crossing, a tram, even some overhead tram wires, he will yell "train, train!" from the pram or car.
I don't know what it is about trains that he adores so much, but I think it's my first foray into the World of Boys Stuff I Don't Understand.
I was made aware of this recently at a playground when Ari and Rob spent ages playing with a digger in a sandpit. Boys just LOVE to dig holes. Rob can't seem to explain why in any way that makes sense to me - the closest he has come is to say that it's a satisfying task. Mmmm. Still don't get it.
Another example was at Coburg Lake recently when Ari picked up a stone. Rob said "watch him, he'll throw it in the river". Sure enough, he did.
The world of boys...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!! was reading your blog and found it very interesting :).
hope all goes well ,
Wish you all the best

7:15 pm  

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