Saturday, December 30, 2006


Rob and I are not Christmasy people at all. Which makes getting excited about Santa Claus and Christmas trees a huge challenge. We flirted with the idea of getting a tree this year, but were bamboozled by the range on offer and made a hasty retreat, promising to make a better effort next year. So Christmas for Ari this year really meant a whole lot of great food and a pile of great presents. His haul included a train set, golf sticks, dump trucks and a swing. We built him a fantastic sand pit to continue his obsession with "diggy-digging".
The highlight of Christmas for us was undoubtedly Ari's reactions when he unwrapped his presents - always shrieks of glee. He even played "pretend eating" when he unwrapped a cup, bowl and plate set. Very cute.
Next year Ari will be fully aware of Santa, carols, reindeer and the works, so we'll have to get our act together and get festive, I think. As cynical as we are of the whole guff, there is something magical about Santa Claus and the anticipation of Christmas.


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