Monday, August 15, 2005

He took a bottle!

After weeks of frustration, Ari finally drank a whole bottle of formula today.
I'm trying not to get too excited by this prospect, but it's hard when it will potentially change my life so much.
Unlike so many other mums, I haven't been able to just leave Ari with someone and a bottle and go out - I have to time any outing so that I'll be back for the next feed ... or take him with me.
What I'd like most in the whole word is to go out by myself (or with Rob) for a WHOLE DAY.
I have been lucky - breastfeeding came pretty easily for me and we haven't had any real dramas with it, unlike some friends who've endured mastitis.
Some mums would relish the attachment that breastfeeding provides. While it's nice to know I'm giving Ari the best food he could possibly have, I've resented the fact that I'm chained to him. And now that he's getting older and the prospect of me going back to work draws nearer, I've resented it more.
Will it work again tomorrow? Who knows? I'm using a different brand of formula (Heinz) and a different teat (Pigeon peristaltic), so maybe this new combination has made it all happen.


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