Saturday, March 25, 2006

Parenting...who'd do it?

Lately I've noticed lots of opinion pieces about parenting and one in particular stood out. It was an article encouraging parents today to lighten up and let their kids live a little.
I couldn't agree more. I really want Ari to grow up climbing trees, riding his bike down his street and wandering the neighbourhood with his friends.
To those parents who say the world's become more dangerous, I say you're WRONG. Crime stats prove it. We've just become more isolated from our neighbourhoods and more frightened of...something. Not teaching children to be self-sufficient does them a great disservice, I believe.
However...I also believe we should lay off parents. We really can't do a thing right, honestly. We are criticised and scrutinised for every little decision we make about our children. Any wonder today's parents are uptight and frightened. Anxiety reigns. Believe me, I know.
I think the main reason for this anxiety is that, unlike our parents' generation, parenting is no longer a respected thing. Today, you're respected for your career achievements, how much you own, where your house is, how far you've travelled. If you manage to squeeze in being a parent amongst all that lot, well, then that's just a bonus.
Parenting should be rewarded, honoured and respected. Any wonder our birth rate is dropping. Who'd be a parent today?


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