Sunday, February 10, 2008

Woe is the modern home sewer

I have been taking sewing lessons for a decent amount of time. This is not to say I can zippily whip up a frock for the races, pair of trousers for Ari or even a tea cosy.
Sewing is hard. Bloody hard.
Much harder than it looks. A lot like parenting then.
I was inspired by endless re-viewings of the fantastic US reality show, Project Runway (news to fans: Tim Gunn is rumoured to be coming to Oz for the Logies - oh, why aren't I an entertainment journo anymore?).
If those contestants could whip up couture garments in a day, why couldn't I?
Well, because they obviously have years of training and practise and I imagine most of them don't have jobs and three-year-olds, so have a lot more time to devote to the craft than my paltry two hours a week.
But I digress.
Sewing - though hard - is ace. The satisfaction of wearing a garment of one's own making is immense. I've even made garments (well garment) for others. It's a great feeling.
But finding modern, funky patterns for anything resembling an item of clothing in, say, an InStyle or Shop Til You Drop is incredibly hard.
I don't have hours to sit at the pattern books at Clegs - surely there's to got be a nifty website where you can just order something. Apparently not.
Tonight I entered "funky" and "sewing patterns" into Google, only to have this image (see above).
I was truly horrified.
So it's back to Clegs I go for longer hours spent wading through the endless pages of 80s-esque Melanie Griffith in Working Girl style garments for something resembling attractive workwear.


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