Sunday, July 17, 2005

But you're a mother!

It's easy to shock people these days. No, I'm not talking about dangly bits on Big Brother Uncut, but ... wait for it ... a New Mother Who Went Out Two Nights In A Row! OUTRAGE!
Now that Ari is going to bed at a reasonable hour, Rob and I have been getting out and about a bit, albeit separately.
Friday night I went to my friend Mike's farewell drinks (sob - he and his lovely fiance are moving to Prague) and onto a city bar to see an ace local band called The Grates.
On Saturday it was off to see British band Doves (thanks Danielle!).
When I mentioned that I was doing this, most people said "But Carla, you're a mother!" (including my own mother).
Most people said it in jest. But I'm sure some didn't.
And that made me wonder - what do people think mothers do?
Just because you're a music fan before you have kids, does that mean you're suddenly not up for going to gigs post-partum? Hell, there are about 5 bands in town next week I'd love to see (anyone going to see Interpol - I hate you!).
Needless to say, Doves were brilliant (they opened with my favourite song, Pounding).
But there was one big thing missing - Rob. We always see gigs together and it just wasn't the same without him.


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