Happy Half-Birthday!
Ari is 6 months old. Here's some things you may not know about the day he was born.
- It was a hot day in Melbourne. The Australian Open was on.
- I remember watching the view across the city from Frances Perry House, Carlton, while an anaesthetist injected a catether into my spine and two people held me still. A nice lady from the cord blood bank held my hand and squeezed it.
- Ari came into the world crying, while I sobbed with joy and said "it's a boy, we've got a boy" over and over and then moved onto "is he alright, is he alright?"
- The cast of thousands (so it seemed) in the operating theatre commented on a) the neat stitching job on my tummy and b) Ari's unusual name.
- He had awful bruises on his head from forceps, which eventually faded.
- He sneezed on me the first moment I saw him. The first thing I noticed was his gingery hair.
- It was so wonderful. I still get teary thinking about the sheer and utter joy of it all. Nothing in the world could ever top it.
It's so amazing to think the little man is 6 months old. We flatter ourselves to think we share a little something with him too, as it's 6 months (on Fri) since the W thing. It's amazing to think that in 18 years or so, you'll be spending your son off into the world and we'll be heading for 20 years of marriage. Wow.
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