Sunday, July 24, 2005

Mums vs Mums

Today I read an article that, quite frankly, pissed me off royally.
It was about how mothers who work are battling it out against mothers who don't (haha - bet you can't find one of those!).
Apparently, we're all judging each other. Mothers who have gone back to work are bitching about the stay-at-home mums (who are apparently living a life of luxury with lovely afternoon teas and playgroups). And the stay-at-home mums are all bitching about the (paid) working mums, who apparently don't spend enough time with their kids and should be volunteering more at school canteens, etc.
And it seems both camps hate the mums who put their kids in childcare so they can have a few days off to themselves.
God, we're a sorry lot. We're all lining up to judge each other, when we should be supporting each other.
The way I see it, there's no one right way to raise kids. There's no magical "work/family balance". Whatever is right for you is the right choice.
It was the same when I was pregnant with Ari. Women (like me) who opt for a caesarean bear the brunt of judgment for "copping out" of a natural birth.
While I realise some women feel strongly about wanting to have a natural birth, that doesn't mean all women feel that way. I would never judge a woman for, say, wanting a water birth, or a home birth, so why should I be judged for wanting a caesar?
Why on earth can't women just lay off each other and be a bit more supportive of each other's choices and decisions?


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

If you think THAT article was annoying, you should read this:

It refers to an article in New York magazine on Alpha Mums

9:11 am  

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