Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bottles- Day 3

Day 3 of the Great Attempt To Wean and it's working. I can't quite believe it.
I've been substituting Ari's lunchtime feed with a bottle. Fairly soon he will drop his 3pm feed, so that will mean I have 2 choices: Either breastfeed him morning and night and give him bottles during the day, or wean him totally off the breast.
At the moment, it's quite a hard decision. While I would relish the idea of being totally free of breastfeeding, it's quite a handy thing - if he's ever really crazy or niggly, or wakes up in the night, I know I can always breastfeed him and it calms him down, or sends him back to sleep.
First things first, though. Let's get this bottle thing down pat before we start thinking about all that!


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

I also couldn't work out whether to wean for the longest time. I had planned to at 6 months, but here I am, still breastfeeding at 12.

One thing I'm grateful for is breastfeeding through the flu and four teeth. Julian woke up constantly through the night, and if ever I didn't breastfeed him, he was up for hours. It was a life-saver, literally!

However, if it doesn't feel right, don't have to do what is best for you. Just sharing my experience.

10:07 pm  

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