Thursday, August 25, 2005

You know you've had a baby for awhile when...

1. Movies you haven't seen have been in the cinemas, released on DVD and been on pay TV.
2. You can have a shower and get dressed in under 5 minutes.
3. You have been weed, pooed and spewed on.
4. The idea of a sleep in seems like heaven. The idea of a big night out followed by a sleep in is an impossible dream.
5. You look at other babies - and not just the babies, but what they're wearing and what kind of pram they're riding in.
6. You no longer read the travel or entertainment sections of newspapers because it makes you too sad. Watching At The Movies is even worse.
7. The day you had your baby seems like years ago. And you can barely remember those first few weeks.
8. Everyone always asks "when are you going back to work?"
9. That massive 3-wheeled pram you bought is getting to be a pain and you're longingly eyeing off compact little strollers.
10. You realise you haven't worn a suit, dress or heels in, well, forever.


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

1. When you go shopping, you don't even consider wearing high heels.
2. Things that stand out in recipes are now words like "fast" and "easy".
3. You don't remember which day you last washed your hair on.
4. You get angry when you're out and shop assistants take a reaaaalllly long time.
5. A leg wax, previously a ritual you endured with gritted teeth, now becomes a fabulously exciting outing and you actually close your eyes during it and relax. It's better than a massage used to be.

11:03 pm  

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