Monday, November 28, 2005

A Bad Day

All baby books warn you about Bad Days with a baby. Normally they tell you to just take a deep breath and think of happier times and eventually the Bad Day will end. Or put your palms flat in a basin of water to calm down (yeah right).
Today was one of the worst I've had with Ari.
It started this morning when I stupidly gave him a catalogue to play with and he decided to chew off a big chunk and swallow it...resulting in thrown up breakfast everywhere.
This was followed by:
1. Ari putting his hands in bird poo in the backyard
2. Our local playground being closed for repairs
3. Ari not wanting to eat his lunch (AGAIN) and smearing risotto through his hair, onto his clothes, all the while wailing because, that's right, he didn't want to eat his lunch. Change of clothes No.2 and a quick hair sponge bath required.
4. Me burning carrots and nearly destroying a pot.
5. My computer's mouse and keyboard breaking down.
6. A can of tuna exploding when i opened it for lunch.

Today is honestly one of those days that if someone offered the chance to throw in the parenting towel, I'd be outta here!
Basin of warm water? Forget it! Gimme a big ole drink, please.


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