Sunday, November 06, 2005

What's in a name?

Last night at a BBQ for our Stuart and Kate (our lovely English rellies who are visiting Melbourne), my mother-in-law explained that Ari's name meant "lion" in Hebrew.
Yes, it does. But the way we arrived at Ari's name is a lot less, well, meaningful, I guess.
Baby names are hard. We wanted something that was not too plain or common, but not so unusual that it will haunt him for life.
Boys names came rather more easily than girls names, so thank goodness we had a boy on that front.
Our first choice was Rishi, an Indian name, after an American guy we met travelling in Italy. Rob and I always loved the name, but in the end we ditched it. Maybe our next boy will be called Rishi...
We also loved Lasal, but given a colleague of Rob's boy is called Lasal, we thought it a bit too close to home.
Then one day at work I was reading The Australian's Strewth column and saw an amusing little item with a photo of NZ actor Russell Crowe and a baby.
At that time, a photo of Crowe's son Charles was still proving elusive to the media, so the pic did the rounds of media outlets with many thinking they'd hit the jackpot. However, it was just a pic of Crowe with a fan's baby at Perth airport. And the baby was called Ari. I liked the name immediately. It was strong and simple, yet slightly unusual. But not unusual enough to be too weird. Rob agreed and so our son - thanks to Rusty Crowe - is called Ari.


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