Friday, September 30, 2005

Last Post from Collingwood

Tis with heavy heart I write my last post from Collingwood.
Tomorrow we move to new digs in Thornbury. I'm trying to be positive about the new house, but I can't help feeling really really sad. I get sentimental about every house I live in, but this one is different.
This year I have a new son. But I have lost my job, my freedom and the chance to do a lot of the things that I love more than anything.
This time last year I was an entertainment journalist who lived in Collingwood and loved movies, music and dining out. This year I'm a stay-at-home mother and freelance journalist, who has been to the movies three times (Dig!, Wallace and Gromit, Star Wars) and seen only a handful of concerts. Eating out? Nup, unless you count scoffing down a bar meal at the local pub.
But living close to my friends, family and fun stuff at least made losing everything else kind of tolerable. I couldn't go to movie premieres and the Logies anymore, but hey, at least Ari and I could walk the wonderful streets of Fitzroy and Collingwood every day.
So losing this house is like kissing goodbye to the last shred of my former self. And I think I've got a right to be sad about that.
So farewell our lovely inner-city terrace. Hello suburbia.


Blogger Erin and Lou said...

Sweetheart, you're bringing a tear to my eye ... Hope the boy is feeling plenty better. Virtual hugs coming your way chick.

12:22 pm  

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