Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Snippets from a conversation over lunch

Ari: Daddy car?
Carla: No, darling. Daddy's car isn't here anymore. It wasn't really Daddy's car, even though we called it that. It belongs to Andrew, Daddy's cousin. Daddy was just minding it for Andrew. Now Andrew has taken his car back. I know it must be hard for you to understand that.
Ari: Daddy car?
Carla: No, darling. (Repeat of long-winded explanation)
Ari: Daddy little car (pointing to Rob's treasured toy Trabant car from Germany).
Carla: Oh! You mean Daddy's toy car? Oh, of course, darling. Sorry, Mummy should have realised.

Man, what a dimwit I am some days!


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