Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Radio, radio

There are many ways to survive being a stay at home parent. Not really being the scrapbooking type, I personally couldn't get through the day without radio.
My listening is usually blissful grabs at various points of the day, because, as you may have guessed by now, no parent of a 2yo could possibly sit around all day and listen to the wireless. Unless you are fabulously rich and quite frankly if that's the case, you should be tripping around St Tropez, not curled up next to 774.
When the alarm goes off, it's Ross and John on 3AW breakfast until Ari wakes up - and then I strain to hear the Rumour File through Ari's morning warblings. I used to be a committed Breakfasters listener (on 3RRR), but the likes of Tony Wilson, John Safran and even Angus Sampson couldn't compete with Ross and John in the end. I know it's probably not very cool, but no other show sets me up for the day quite like Ross and John.
Then it's pretty much a no go zone until lunchtime and the glorious Get This on (gulp) Triple M. Tony Martin and Ed Kavalee are hilarious - believe me, it's worth sitting through the terrible music of Triple M for the wonderful repartee of Tony and Ed.
I usually manage only about a half-hour of the show, while Ari eats his lunch, and it always gives me a laugh. I couldn't stop banging on to everyone I know about their hilarious "Caperil" - where they encouraged listeners to wear capes for the month of April.
Now if only I could find something for the "afternoon nap" and "cooking dinner" listening timeslots, I'd be set.


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