Monday, May 21, 2007

More bloody jeans

There are lots of things that change when you have a baby. And I'm not just talking about the (extremely) limited social life, or the fact that you find yourself driving along humming the theme to Thomas the Tank Engine (oh, woe is me).
There are the physical changes no one tells you about. In my case they were:
1. Half your hair falls out (breastfeeding)
2. Boobs unrecognisable (breastfeeding again); and
3. Strange dark blemishes on your face (called cloasma, or "the mask of pregnancy", which I think sounds far more dramatic).
I add to this list: You need to buy new jeans all the damn time.
I think I've gone through about six pairs of jeans in two years. At first it was due to changing sizes - from maternity back to regular jeans.
But then emerged a pattern - all the knees in my jeans would be out before I could even wear the damn things in. My latest pair, bought only about four months ago, just developed a little knee hole yesterday.
It's the constant kneeling down to pick up things, pick up Ari, dress Ari, bath Ari, etc, that has created this problem, of course.
So I either accept the fact this is going to happen and shell out $100 or more every four months, or hope like hell that little knee patches come back into fashion.


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