Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Music = even more ace

We are a routine family, there's no doubt about it. Ari eats, sleeps, bathes and reads by a fairly strict schedule - not that we're looking at the clock every second of the day, just that I happen to be one of those people who think children thrive on routine. Well, Ari does anyway.
I've considered the downsides of this - that he may never adapt to life at child care, kinder, etc, that he won't cope when we travel (he always does). But the upsides always seem to win.
One of the bits of the routine is that one parent bathes Ari while the other does the dishes. And to this part, we always have a loud soundtrack. We toyed with the idea of playing all of our CDs, going right through from A-Z, but considering how many we have, this seemed absurd.
And so our bathtime music is as random as can be, spanning from Bjork to U2 and everything in between. Lately it's been a lot of Arcade Fire (do yourself a favour if you haven't bought their CD. Wow).
Inevitably, Tom Waits features a lot. So much so that Ari, at the ripe old age of 2, can spot a Tom Waits growl instantly. He doesn't have a favourite Waits period or album yet, but with his father's encouragement, I'm sure by he's five he'll be requesting Rain Dogs over Swordfishtrombones.


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