Friday, July 01, 2005

Ice Planet of Hoth

There are a few items in Ari's wardrobe that have already become firm favourites. Like his fleecy smurf boots. Or his trucks-and-buses op-shop windcheater.
Ari has also been given a few hats, each with their own distinct nickname. There's Ski Lodge (a lovely white beanie) and Gonk Hat (a red stripey Bonds beanie), but none attracts more attention than a little woolly hat we've dubbed Ice Planet of Hoth.
Ice Planet was a gift from Ari's "Godfather" (hard to know what to call him when you don't believe in God) Dean and his partner Andrea, bought from Salamanca market in Hobart.
To say it's been a hit would be an understatement. Put the hat on Ari and watch a room of people go "awwwww". Take him out walking in his pram wearing it and people always comment on it.
It's a great hat. And for those of you who haven't yet twigged, its name derives from the opening scenes of The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke, Han and co are all on the ice planet of Hoth (bottom pic) and are rugged up accordingly.
In hindsight, we actually should have called it Ewok Planet of Endor, because it more resembles what they wore on Endor in Return of the Jedi (centre pic).
But that would be way too nerdy.


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