Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Weaning We Will Go

Today is a momentous one in Ari's young life - I am giving up breastfeeding.
Yes, just like that.
I know all the books tell you to drop it gradually, and I did start down that road with all the best intentions. He was happily taking one bottle feed a day and I was planning to make it 2 bottle feeds a day this week. But Ari hasn't been breastfeeding properly and when he does he BITES. At first I tried to put up with the biting and just get on with it, but it got so bad that I was too frightened to actually feed him.
I'm not sure whether having a mix of breast and bottle confused him, or if he decided he liked the bottle better, or if he was just having an off week.
Yesterday I tried about seven times to breastfeed him, from 7am through til about 2pm, when he finally took one breast. At dinner time last night, it was a struggle to get him to stay on for five minutes. We topped him up with a bottle and he slept through the night (hoorah!).
Breastfeeding has just become such a negative experience for me, which is a shame, because when it worked, it worked really well. I almost always had plenty of milk and Ari took to it really well.
So this is a decision I haven't come to lightly. But I hope that it's one that will improve all of our lives.


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

If you still have mixed feelings about it, I can recommend an amazing lactation consultant. But if this is the end, I recommend cabbage leaves! (I heard they work, never having used them myself.)

10:54 pm  

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