Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Everything changes...again

Of all the topics you'd think would appear and reappear in a blog about a baby, it's sleep.
Fortunately (and touching lotsa wood here), Ari has been a fantastic sleeper. Apart from the early days when he wouldn't sleep for 12 hours during the day, we have had a charmed life compared to many a bleary eyed parent.
But there has been the odd stressful time when the boy's sleep patterns have changed and suddenly our routine is thrown completely out of whack.
Like the last two weeks or so, when he suddenly hasn't wanted his afternoon sleep. This can happen anywhere between the ages of 9 and 18 months, so Baby Love tells me.
Adjusting from two to one sleep a day hasn't been easy. It's made for a very cranky, tired baby and a fraught mother who suddenly doesn't know her baby.
But after a few days in a row of one sleep, it seems to be coming together. For the past three days, Ari has stayed up all morning and had one big sleep in the afternoon, lasting anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. It makes for a completely different life. Instead of planning to go out of the house around lunchtime, we now plan stuff for mornings. It also makes for a loooong stretch keeping an active little boy entertained. In the middle of suburbia with no car, that's a tough task, let me tell you.


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