Saturday, March 24, 2007

We're back

Apologies again for our long absence from blogging...
Lots has happened around Danaflav Central: Rob and I have been married for 5 years, Carla is now 33 years old and Ari has a cold. The poor little sod's nose is running like a tap, but I refuse to give him any cold medicine, as it sent him positively batty last time. Sorry Dimetapp, but never again!
My birthday booty was pretty cool: a year's "surprise" CDs from Rob (meaning he buys me a random CD a month for the next year - CD No.1= Arcade Fire) and a Scorsese DVD pack from Loz = The Departed and The Aviator.
We are off to see The Pixies next week - regular readers will understand how significant this is.
We are trying to plan a holiday for later this year, but are undecided about where to go. Overseas is obviously out of the question with a wriggling 2yo. In fact, I have ruled out anywhere that involves a travel time of more than 3 hours.
So it looks like we'll be heading up to Queensland again, unless I can come up with a better idea. Possibly Port Douglas again, maybe with some Daintree action thrown in.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Busier than a one-armed paper hanger

I know everyone is busy these days, but by god us Danaflavs are busy at the moment.
Between my job, Rob's job, Rob's freelance work, his master's degree, my freelance work and
of course AriWrangling, we just don't have time to scratch ourselves. Add to this the fact that my poor Mum has injured her back (she and Dad look after Ari while I work) and you have a couple of frazzled adults.
It was our fifth wedding anniversary the other day and my 33rd birthday is fast approaching. I don't think we will have time to mark either in any signficant way.
To all this I must factor in Ari's increasing demands. He has suddenly hit the Terrible Twos (which always makes me think of a little Bart Simpson banging a pot screaming "I am so great"). He is still a relatively well-behaved little boy, but has suddenly become so incredibly demanding and picky at times. Food was never really a problem before and now he seems bored during mealtimes and seems to want to do something else. He is really particular about lots of things and loses his temper more frequently. I hardly have Little Lucifer on my hands, but this sudden change has thrown us (as it always does - will we EVER get used to it?).