Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wanderin' boy

It's funny how a baby's developmental successes can bite you on the bum.
We waited for teeth - and two little choppers came through. Then Ari started using those choppers on my breasts (for those of you who've never experienced this wonderful phenomenon, it's like someone sticking needles into your nipple. Not fun).
Similarly, Ari's rolling over was hailed as a great achievement. Now the little blighter is rolling over in his cot, day and night. It's a pain in the proverbial, to put it mildly.
Ari rarely wakes in the night these days, but now that he's a little cot wanderer, he's waking up once, maybe twice a night.
Last night he woke at 11pm when he hit is head on the top of the cot after moving his way up there (goodness knows how he did it, Rob and I still can't work it out). Then around 4am he had flipped over onto his tummy and called out for us because, just like a little turtle, he couldn't get back.
Luckily (well, so far) we just give him his dummy and he goes back to sleep.
But it raises an interesting question. How do you deal with a rolly baby? I've heard of all sorts of cot bumpers and special sheets to keep them on their backs, but I suppose eventually Ari has to learn how to sleep in all sorts of positions. And can you ever really stop them moving around?
This brought to mind a visit to a colleague of Rob's last year. It was evening, so we poked our heads around his childrens' bedroom door to see his little girl curled up, almost face down with her bum in the the corner of the cot!
I guess kids are resilient little things and sometimes we should just leave them be.


Blogger RachelleCentral said...

We had something called a baby snuggler which kept him from rolling around. It's like a flat sheet with two sausages at the end, and the baby lies between the two sausages. But, we stopped using it eons ago, so I'm not sure if Ari would be at the point where he would simply roll over it.

I guess that is why cot bumpers were invented, but as you know, they've gone out of vogue because of SIDS. I don't know what you can do - our boy isn't quite such a roamer.

2:16 pm  

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